Loud Snoring is a Disease

You could say loud snoring is a disease that is very disturbing both for the snorer himself or for the listener. But definitely, snoring is a sign of a blockage in the airways while someone is sleeping. Well, that interfere with the sound of snoring comes from efforts to pass through a narrow channel the air that finally came out as the sound of snoring.

Simply put, when we sleep, the muscles become more relaxed than when we are awake (including respiratory muscles), muscles are relaxed to make the airways constrict and cause blockages. The condition is exacerbated if the patient in supine position, so the tongue falls back limp, which is increasingly causing blockage and creates sound vibrations of snoring.

Snoring is itself divided into several types, there is snoring lightly, soft voice and a continuous encountered at the beginning of sleep and is generally a sign of fatigue. Other types are loud snoring, intermittent, and followed the beat of a deep breath. In medical terms, snoring stopped breathing pattern is called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).

Usually people with breathing disorders during sleep apnea (OSAS) is frequently awakened at night with my heart and when you wake up in the morning, the patient usually feels less sleep, the body becomes fresh, and often accompanied by headache.
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